Overview of the Rostering for Childcare Application
The Rostering for Childcare application by Daitum generates an optimised weekly staff roster based on a childcare centre’s rules, ratios, historical attendance data and other inputs.
Settings can be adjusted so an optimal roster is created which considers the various requirements of the centre and its staff. In the childcare environment, these include staff ratios for different age groups, contact / non-contact hours for different roles and the desired percentage of casual staff.
Daitum applications can be accessed using a web browser at:
The Rostering for Childcare application consists of sixteen separate views, colour coded in groups as follows:
Orange used for updating planned and historical child attendance
Yellow used for updating staff availability and areas
Blue used for generating the roster and setting additional staffing options
Grey used for overall centre configuration and management
This document details the general workflow of the application and specific functions of each view.
Other documents relating to the Rostering for Childcare application are: