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Shift Lengths

The Shift Lengths view allows the default shift, maximum shift and break lengths to be overridden for individual staff members.

Default Shift Overrides set the values for specific employees to be different to the default values specified on the ‘Configuration → Defaults’ view.

Fixed Start times will apply for every working day

Maximum shift length override refers to either the fixed shift length on that day for a permanent employee, or the maximum shift length for a casual.

Fixed Start Time can be set per staff member and will be honoured by the optimiser when possible.

Break Length Overrides (minutes) allows the setting of a break length override for each day

Paid Breaks

With the paid breaks feature enabled an additional column becomes available to specify the portion of the total break time that is to be paid. In the example below Sarita, Corey and Taunya have a portion of their break paid:


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